Knock Knock Preschool 


この度、園長を務めておりました 髙島 紗綾香 が2022年度3月末に退任するとともに、後任には主任保育士 砂川 亜耶 が2023年度4月1日付で園長に就任することとなりましたのでご報告申し上げます。


髙島 紗綾香 園長退任のご挨拶

この度、3月末をもちましてKnock knock Preschool 園長を退任し退職することとなりました。



毎日毎日子ども達が Good morning! と登園してくる姿を楽しみにしていました。笑っている顔ははもちろんですが、泣いている顔も、怒っている顔も子ども達の真っ直ぐな姿の全てが輝いて見えました。

Knock Knock のサポートスタッフとして、また園長としてお子様の成長を側で見守らせて頂くことができたこの10年間は、とても幸せな時間でした。本当にありがとうございました!

Kock Knockで出会った全てのお子様、保護者の皆様の益々の幸せと健康を心よりお祈りしております。

I am announce that I will be retiring from my position as Director of Knock knock Preschool at the end of March.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the parents who have always cooperated with and supported us.

I have been thinking about what I can do more for the children in my daily childcare activities, and  I have been studying Montessori education at the evening school since two years ago. I took a leave of absence from the school this school year, but I will be returning to the school as a daytime student from this April, so I will be leaving the school in March.

I looked forward to seeing the children coming to school every day saying “Good morning! Not only their smiling faces, but also their crying and angry faces, all shining brightly.

It has been a very happy time for the past 10 years that I have been able to watch over the children’s growth as a support staff member of Knock Knock and as the director of the school. Thank you so much!

I sincerely wish for the continued happiness of all the children and parents I have met at Kock Knock.Thank you somuch.


砂川 亜耶 園長就任のご挨拶

この度、髙島 紗綾香の後任として、私、砂川 亜耶が 2023年度4月1日より Knock Knock Preschool 園長に就任いたします。



I am pleased to inform you that I have been assigned the position of Preschool manager from April. My name is Aya Sunagawa and I am the Chief for Seijo. We will continue to care watch over the kids and share the students growth and progress with you. I will maintain Knock Knock Preschool’s students which includes running a high quality daycare facility that also encourages learning and enjoying in English.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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