2022年 1学期をもちまして 当校の講師 Ms. Katie が退職いたしましたことをお知らせいたします。Ms. Katie がノックノックを去ってしまい大変残念ですが、今後の Ms. Katie も応援よろしくお願いいたします。Ms. Katie よりお別れのメッセージをいただいておりますのでここにてお知らせいたします。
I have enjoyed playing music with everyone!
Dear Students,
I am sad to inform you that I will be leaving Knock Knock at the end of this semester. It has been a pleasure to work with and teach you all, and I am truly sorry to go. But I am sure you will find success and happiness, and I wish you all the best in all of your future! It was great fun to teach such amazing students, and to be a part of your lives and education during this time. From the start of English Time to the students in after kinder and preschool, After School English, and the adult courses and cafe as well, it has been my pleasure to learn and grow with you all over the years!
I plan to still live in the Tokyo area, and also plan on pursuing further music teaching and performing, and plan on performing concerts in community centers as well as live houses with groups around Tokyo in the future. I have enjoyed playing music with everyone at Knock Knock at various events, and learning from you about your favorite music, and it has helped me to gain much experience and love for teaching and learning from others alike.
May you find happiness and fun in your futures, and continue to enjoy your time at Knock Knock and beyond! I hope that we will someday meet again!
Sincerely, and gratefully,
Ms. Katie
ノックノックの素晴らしい生徒達を教えること、そして、皆さんの人生と教育の一部となれたことを嬉しく思います。Baby English Time のスタートから、After Kinder や Preschool の生徒、そして大人のコースやカフェまで、長年にわたって皆さんと一緒に学び、成長できたことは私の喜びです。
今後も東京近郊に住む予定ですが、さらに音楽の指導や演奏に力を入れ、将来は東京近郊の公民館やライブハウスでグループとコンサートをする予定です。Knock Knock の皆さんと様々なイベントで一緒に演奏したり、皆さんの好きな音楽について教えてもらったりするのはとても楽しく、教えることや学ぶことに対しても多くの経験と愛情を得ることができました。