2023年 2月をもちまして 当校の講師 Ms. Jacqueline が退職いたしますのでお知らせいたします。Ms. Jacqueline がノックノックを去ってしまい大変残念ですが、今後の Ms. Jacqueline も応援よろしくお願いいたします。Ms. Jacqueline よりお別れのメッセージをいただいておりますのでここにてお知らせいたします。
I’ve had such a great time teaching and watching you all learn and grow.
Dear Students and Parents of Students,
It’s my time to say goodbye for now. I’ll be leaving Knock Knock on February, 2022.
I’m going to have a break from teaching and change my career at this time and also focus on my family. I’ll still be living in the Setagaya area and my family and I often go to Komazawa park so if you see me there please say hi!
I’ve had such a great time teaching and watching you all learn and grow. It’s made me so happy. I wish each and every one of you and your families, all the happiness and good health in the world.
I’ll miss you a lot. Please take care and I hope to see you again some day.
Sincerely, and gratefully,
とても寂しくなります。 お元気で、またいつの日かお会いしましょう。